The Essence of a Translation: Was John Cornwell’s “Hitler’s Pope” malicious, and wrong?
With the arrival of Communism in the Soviet Union, with its atheistic outlook, the Church became convinced it…
Official Church Publications: What Did the Church Have to Say?
Before the Second World War erupted the Holy See published the encyclical “With burning anxiety”, written largely by Cardinal Secretary…
What was the Holocaust?
These days people often use the term “holocaust” to refer to any genocide, but that is incorrect. The answer to the question “What was the Holocaust?” is simple: the…
Seeing Pope Pius XII in a Different Light: From Saint to Villain?
During WWII and in subsequent years, all the way to his death in 1958, Pope Pius XII was praised for his compassion and work to save…
Membership in the Nazi Party: Is that OK, Father?
When thinking of the reason why the German Catholic Church thought it proper to lift the ban on membership in the Nazi Party in 1933 one needs to…
The Fear to Act on Behalf of the Jews: Making the Situation Worse – Really?
Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church, and the cohorts of church apologists today, often argued that the pope had to…
The Weapon the Church Didn’t Use: The Threat of Excommunication
Papal apologists often dismiss excommunication as a powerful tool. Yet, the Catholic Church could have used it during the Holocaust to…
Defining “Non-Aryan”: Cutting Through the Fog
For the layman, sometimes it’s hard to know what things actually mean. After all, one cannot be an expert on everything, so we must rely on others whom…
Causes of the Holocaust
What were the causes of the Holocaust? This is a complex question in the history of the Holocaust, but not an intractable one. It turns out there are several reasons why the…
The Foundation of Antisemitism: We Want to Kill Too
Efraim Zuroff is the Director of the Israel office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. I met him last March in his Jerusalem office and we discussed…
Denial of the Jewish Holocaust
Until recently most people who used the term “The Holocaust” understood it to mean the extermination of six million Jews during the Second World War. Is this still the…
Pius XII to Roosevelt: Please Spare Us
The Telegraph in the UK and other newspapers recently reported about a letter written by Pope Pius XII to President Roosevelt. In this letter, dated August 30,…