
Opening the Gates of Hell

Opening the Gates of Hell

On January 27, 1945 the Red Army advancing in Poland arrived in a sleepy town called Oswiecim. Next to it, they found Hell. As they crossed the gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau,…

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Silence Implies Approval

Silence Implies Approval

Often, religious people cling to their religion because it provides them with solace and succor during times of despair or hardship. Many times religious people go to their…

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Being Protector of Morals-in-Chief

Being Protector of Morals-in-Chief

The Catholic Church claims to be the highest moral authority on Earth. It also teaches to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to avoid doing to others what we don’t want others doing to us. …

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Antisemitism is hatred of the Jewish people. It is an ancient phenomenon traditionally associated with expressions of religious intolerance and xenophobia that has used various motifs…

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Was Pope Pius XII a Saint?

Was Pope Pius XII a Saint?

The German-born pope, Benedict XVI, is moving full steam ahead in the process of canonization of the germanophile war-time pope, Pius XII. Having declared Pius XII…

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Understanding the Muslim Worldview

Understanding the Muslim Worldview

All possible evidence seem to point to the fact that Arab nations are indeed monolithic in pretty much everything, and have been that way for 1000 years. There is…

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