Two Dozen Thoughts
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Two Dozen Thoughts is a collection of essays and articles on the topics of Christian antisemitism and the role that played in paving the road to the Holocaust. This book is complementary to the much broader and deeper Six Million Crucifixions. I strongly encourage you to read that as well.
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12 things you will learn from Two Dozen Thoughts
Things the churches did after the Holocaust in an attempt to make amends for previous wrongs.
Things the Catholic Church did during the Second World War to help Jews.
Why non-Germans collaborated in perpetrating the Holocaust.
How the Catholic Church gave the German population a green light to join the Nazi Party.
The very powerful weapon the Church could have used to stop the Christian faithful from committing genocide, but did not use.
The meek and absurd excuse the pope used to justify not speaking out against the Holocaust.
What the Catholic Church had to say about Jews and Judaism in their official publications during the Nazi era.
Why the Germans and their helpers murdered with a clean conscience.
The extent of how widespread the knowledge about the Holocaust was among the general population in Germany.
What the pope could and should have done to stop the genocide, but did not do.
The Church’s refusal to recognize that Jews deserved a homeland, and the refusal to recognize Israel for 45 years after its founding.
The real reason why the Vatican first supported the Nazis and then refused to strongly speak out against Nazi genocide.
A topic worthy of analysis and an analyst worthy of the topic.
Wilensky’s words will rightly unsettle those who have yet to come to grips with Christianity’s role in shaping European attitudes and policies towards Jews into the 20th century.
Wilensky’s book is a fascinating and disturbing historical account of the theologically-based anti-Semitism that served as a backdrop to the racially-based Nazi persecution of Jews.
Wilensky has read widely, thought deeply, and writes persuasively in placing the Holocaust into the larger context of the history of Western Christianity.
How was it possible for one group of people to hate another group virulently enough to slaughter six million of them? Gabriel Wilensky’s answer is disturbing and will evoke controversy.
Gabriel Wilensky’s book challenges us to consider the role of religion in enabling genocide.